
School of Integrative Medicine.

袁苑 实验师




办公室电话:(021) 5132-2660


Yuan Yuan, Experimenter

Email: gloriaflx0515@sina.com

TEL: (021) 5132-2660

Contact address: B401, 4/F, Innovation and Technology Building, 1200 Cailun Rd, Pudong, Shanghai


  • 2019.06-至今,  实验师,上海中医药大学,中西医结合研究院

  • 2016.09-2019.06,博士研究生,中国中医科学院,西苑医院

  • 2013.11-2016.06,香港注册中医师,香港博爱医院-香港中文大学中医教研中心

  • 2013.09-2015.06,硕士研究生,香港中文大学,中医学院

  • 2007.09-2013.06,学士,香港浸会大学,中医药学院

Education and Work Experience

  • 2020.07- Present, Experimenter, Academy of Integrative Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • 2016.09-2019.06, PhD in Chinese Medicine, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

  • 2013.11-2016.06, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Pok Oi Hospital -The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine (Hong Kong)

  • 2013.09-2015.06, Master of Science in Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • 2005.09-2009.07, Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Biomedical Science, Hong Kong Baptist University


  • 肠道微生态与肿瘤微环境

Research Area

  • Gut microbiota and Tumor microenvironment


  • 袁苑,陈燕霞,马堃*,原博超,王凯莉,田彩蝶. 探索建立雷公藤多苷致早发性卵巢功能不全肾虚血瘀证的小鼠模型[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2019,44(9):1895-1903.

  • 2.袁苑*. 骨形态发生蛋白7在女性生殖系统中的作用及其中医药干预研究进展[J]. 广州中医药大学学报, 2019,36(2):297-302.

  • 3.马堃,袁苑*,张会仙. 补肾促卵方治疗早发性卵巢功能低下导致不孕症的临床研究[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2019,44(6):1075-1079.

  • 4.原博超,马堃*,张辰晖,袁苑. 补肾活血中药治疗多囊卵巢综合征导致不孕症的Meta分析[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2019,44(6):1080-1086.

  • 5.张辰晖,马堃*,原博超,袁苑,陈燕霞. 补肾活血中药治疗女性高催乳素血症随机对照试验的Meta分析[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2019,44(6):1087-1093.


  1. YUAN YCHEN YXMA K*YUAN BCWANG KL and TIAN CD (2019). Establishment of premature ovarian insufficiency kidney deficiency and blood stasis pattern mouse model with Tripterygium Wilfordii polyglycoside for Bushen Culuan Decoction therapy (Chin). China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 44(9):1895-1903.

  2. YUAN Y* (2019). Research progress of influences of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 in women reproductive system and its intervention with traditional Chinese Medicine (Chin). Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 36(2):297-302.

  3. Ma K, YUAN Y*, ZHANG HX (2019). Clinical efficacy of Bushen Culuan Decoction in treating infertility due to premature ovarian insufficiency (Chin). China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica,2019,44(6):1075-1079.

  4. YUAN BC, MA K*, ZHANG CH, YUAN Y. Bushen Huoxue herbal medicine in subfertile women withpolycystic ovary syndrome: A Meta-analysis (Chin). China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 2019,44(6):1080-1086.

  5. ZHANG CH, MA K*, YUAN BC, YUAN Y, CHEN YX. Bushen Huoxue herbal medicine for treating hyperprolactinemia in women: A Meta-analysis (Chin). China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 2019,44(6):1087-1093.