
School of Integrative Medicine.

韦璐瑶 助理研究员


韦璐瑶,助理研究员 (Luyao Wei, Assistant research fellow)


通讯地址(contact address):浦东新区蔡伦路1200号创新科技楼4A408

(A408, 4/F, Innovation and Technology Building, 1200 Cailun Rd, Pudong, Shanghai)

研究领域(Research area

  • 非编码RNA和神经生物学

Function of non-coding RNA in neuroscience

  • 蛋白翻译后修饰与肿瘤转移

Protein post-translational modification and metastasis

基金支持及参与(Grant Funding

  • 主持与参与国家自然科学基金3项及博士后科学基金1

1.国家自然科学基金青年项目, 31701217, PACT调控细胞迁移的分子机制, 2018.01-2020.12, 23万元, 已结题,主持


3.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31270918,利用转基因表达Mst1 变异体研究Mst1激酶在T细胞活化增殖中的作用,2013.01-2016.1290万元,已结题,参加

4.国家优秀青年科学基金,81222030,肿瘤发生生物学,2013.01-2015.12100 万元,已结题,参加

Grant Funding

  • Granted 3 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) funds as PI or Co-PI

  • Granted 1 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funds as PI


(1) Dou B, Li S, Wei L, Wang L, Zhu S, Wang Z, Ke ZJ, Chen K, Wang Z. Astragaloside IV suppresses post-ischemic natural killer cell infiltration and activation in the brain: involvement of histone deacetylase inhibition. Front Med. 2021 Feb;15(1):79-90.

(2) Wu H#Wei L#Fan F#Ji S#Zhang SGeng JHong LFan XChen QTian JJiang MSun XJin CYin ZLiu QZhang JQin FLin KYu JDeng XWang HZhao BJohnson RChen L* Zhou D*Integration of Hippo signalling and the unfolded protein response to restrain liver overgrowth and tumorigenesisNat Commun2015.01.0166239~6239

(3) Wu HXiao YZhang SJi SWei LFan FGeng JTian JSun XQin FJin CLin JYin ZZhang TLuo LLi YSong SLin SDeng XCamargo FAvruch JChen L*Zhou D*The Ets Transcription Factor GABP Is a Component of the Hippo Pathway Essential for Growth and Antioxidant DefenseCell Reports2013.5.3035):1663~1677

(4) Li QHe YWei LWu XWu DLin SWang ZYe ZLin S*AXIN is an essential co-activator for the promyelocytic leukemia protein in p53 activationOncogene2011.3.103010):1194~1204



博士毕业于厦门大学。曾先后于哈佛大学医学院Avurich实验室、厦门大学细胞应激反应国家重点实验室等学术机构从事肿瘤发生相关的信号转导方面的研究,期间成果发表于Cell Reports, Nature Communications, Oncogene等期刊。2015年起于上海中医药大学柯尊记实验室进行细胞迁移机制、“非编码RNA与神经发育”方面的研究工作至今。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。


Wei Luyao, Assistant research fellow Academy of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Wei graduated from Xiamen University, and has engaged in research on signal transduction related to tumorigenesis in academic institutions such as the Avurich Laboratory of Harvard Medical School and the State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Response of Xiamen University. Research articles were published in Cell Reports, Nature Communications, Oncogene, etc. Since 2015, she has conducted research on  Mechanism of Cell Migration  and Non-coding RNA and Neurodevelopment in the Ke Zunji Laboratory of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project.