
School of Integrative Medicine.

赵玲 副研究员




办公室电话:(021) 5132-2266



Ling Zhao, Associate research fellow, Master tutor

Email: lzhao@shutcm.edu.cn

TEL: (021) 5132-2266

Contact address: B407, 4/F, Innovation and Technology Building, 1200 Cailun Rd, Pudong, Shanghai



w  2020.07-至今副研究员,上海中医药大学,中西医结合研究院

w  2018.11-2020.6,博士后,香港浸会大学,香港中医药临床研究中心

w  2014.09-2018.11,博士研究生,香港浸会大学,中医药学院

w  2013.08-2014.08,高级研究助理,香港浸会大学,中医药学院

w  2009.09-2012.06,硕士研究生,吉林农业大学,中药材学院

w  2005.09-2009.07,本科,吉林农业大学,中药材学院


Education and Research Experience

w  2020.07- Present, Associate research fellow, Academy of Integrative Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

w  2018.11-2020.6, Postdoc Fellow, Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Study Center, Hong Kong Baptist University

w  2014.09-2018.11, Ph.D. program, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University

w  2013.08-2014.08, Senior Research Assistant, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University

w  2009.09-2012.06, M.M. program, College of Chinese Medicine, Jilin Agricultural University

w  2005.09-2009.07, B.Sc program, College of Chinese Medicine, Jilin Agricultural University



w  肠道微生物的生理及代谢功能

w  基于肠道微生物的消化道疾病机制

w  肠道微生物相关中医药药理机制


Research area

w  Physiological and metabolic functions of the gut microbiota

w  Gut microbiota-driven mechanism underlying gastrointestinal diseases

w  Gut microbiota-involved pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine


基金支持及参与(Grant Funding

w  主持与参与国家自然科学基金3

1. 国自然青年基金:胆汁酸转化梭菌通过5-羟色胺通路加剧肠易激综合征腹泻症状的机制研究(82000504),2021.01-2023.12,获24万资助,在研,主持;

2. 国自然面上基金:中药复方JCM-16021促进肠道菌群的短链脂肪酸生产改善肠屏障功能的机制研究(81973538),2020.01-2023.12,获55万资助,在研,参加;

3. 国自然青年基金:MT1-MMP调控肿瘤相关巨噬细胞促淋巴管生成的机制(81802838),2019.01-2021.12,获22万资助,在研,参加;

w  2020年获上海中医药大学“青年杏林学者”培养计划资助

w  2021年“中西医结合防治肿瘤临床与基础研究”上海市教委专项拨款


Grant Funding

w  Granted 3 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) funds as PI or Co-PI

w  Young Xinglin scientists Program funded by Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2020)

w  Shanghai Municipal Education Commission special grant for Clinical and basic research on the prevention and treatment of cancers with integrative medicine (2021)



w  LJ Han#, L Zhao#, Y Zhou#, C Yang#, T Xiong#, L Lu#, YS Deng, W Luo, Y Chen, QW Qiu, XX Shang, ZC Mo, SG Huang, SP Huang, Z Liu, W Yang, LX Zhai, ZW Ning, CY Lin, T Huang, CW Cheng, LLD Zhong, SC Li, ZX Bian, XD Fang. Altered metabolome and microbiome features provide clues in understanding irritable bowel syndrome and depression comorbidity. ISME J (IF=10.3, accepted).

w  SY Shao#, R Jia#, L Zhao#, YR Zhang, YF Guan, HT Wen, JW Liu, YY Zhao, Y Feng, ZZ Zhang, Q Ji, Q Li, Y Wang. Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang ameliorates tumor growth in cancer comorbid depressive symptoms via modulating gut microbiota-mediated TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB signaling pathway. Phytomedicine (IF=5.3), 2021,153606.

w  L Zhao, W Yang, Y Chen, FJ Huang, L Lu, CY Lin, T Huang, ZW Ning, LX Zhai, LLD. Zhong, WC Lam, Z Yang, X Zhang, CW Cheng, LJ Han, QW Qiu, XX Shang, RY Huang, HT Xiao, ZX Ren, DF Chen, SL Sun, H El-Nezami, ZW Cai, AP Lu, XD Fang, W Jia, ZX Bian. A Clostridia-rich microbiota enhances bile acid excretion in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. J Clin Invest (IF=14.8) 2020 Jan 2; 130(1): 438–450.

w  ML Wei#, FJ Huang#, L Zhao#, YJ Zhang, W Yang, SL Wang, MC Li, XL Han, K Ge, C Qu, C Rajani, GX Xie, XJ Zheng, AH Zhao, ZX Bian, W Jia. EBioMedicine(IF=8.1) 2020 May; 55: 102766.

w  L Zhao, XD Fang, W Jia, ZX Bian, Managing Chronic Diarrhea From a Gut Microbiota-Bile Acid Perspective. Clin Transl Gastroenterol (IF=4.8) 2020 Aug; 11(8): e00208.

w  T Huang#, L Zhao#, CY Lin, L Lu, ZW Ning, DD Hu, LLD Zhong, ZJ Yang, ZX Bian. Chinese Herbal Medicine (MaZiRenWan) Improves Bowel Movement in Functional Constipation Through Down-Regulating Oleamide. Front Pharmacol (IF=5.8) 2019; 10: 1570.

w  L Zhao, YF Huang, L Lu, W Yang, T Huang, ZS Lin, CY Lin, HY Kwan, HLX Wong, Y Chen, SL Sun, XF Xie, XD Fang, HM Yang, J Wang, LX Zhu, ZX Bian. Saturated long-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria contribute to enhanced colonic motility in rats. Microbiome(IF=13.6)2018 Jun 14;6(1):107.

w  CY Lin#, L Zhao#, T Huang, Lin Lu, Mahjabin Khan, Jie Liu, LLD Zhong, ZW Cai, BM Fan, AOL Wong, ZX Bian. Spexin acts as novel regulator for bile acid synthesis. Front Physiol. (IF=4.1)2018; 9: 378.